Re: [Jersey] Handling of mutiple mime types : How to know which mime type has been chosen ?

From: Paul Sandoz <>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 15:11:18 +0200

On Sep 3, 2010, at 1:57 PM, Raphaël Jolivet wrote:

> Hello,
> I have written a Jersey REST web service which get and put stream of
> numerical data over the cloud.
> For now, the data is converted to CSV stream.
> I have added a parser / writer to binary format, to speed up things
> and to
> reduce the bandwidth usage.
> So, for now, I have something like :
> @RolesAllowed(ROLE_READ)
> public StreamingOutput getData(...) {...};
> and
> @RolesAllowed(ROLE_WRITE)
> public String putData(...) { ...}
> How do I know which mime type has been "agreed" with the client ?
> For the "putData" method, I guess I just need to get the
> ServletRequest#getMimeType(), to know
> what is the format of the inputstream.

For the putData see:

For the getData, this is unfortunately an oversight in the JAX-RS API
and you need to do something like this:

   Request r = ...
   Variant v = r.selectVariant(Variant.mediaTypes(csvType,
   MediaType m = v.getMediaType();

Or alternatively split your method up like this:

    public StreamingOutput getDataCSV(...) {...};

    public StreamingOutput getDataMyBinaryType(...) {...};


> But for the "getData", how do I know which mime type is accepted by
> the
> client ?
> Is there a convenience method to get the result of the "agreement"
> between
> the server and the client : The first mime type supported by both ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Raphael
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