Hi Rebel,
on your web.xml do something like this:
<description>servlet do jersey</description>
and if you want some classpath scanning facilities, grab those jars
(those are a bit outdated, but will do the job as example):
2010/7/22 Rebel Geek <rebel.geek_at_gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I did a few searches in the forums and I could not find what I was looking
> for, so please forgive me if I've indadvertedly repeated a question....
> I have a Wep Application (WAR) that I have running with the Jetty-runner. It
> has the following features:
> Serves up dojo pages (static HTML)
> Has Servlets/filters for authentication and AJAX
> I would like to add Jersey RESTful services to this, but I'd also like to
> get rid of Jetty and use Grizzly completely embedded in the application. I
> see examples of embedding Grizzly and I see examples of creating REST
> Resource, etc., but I don't see any examples that will point me to using
> Jersey/Grizzly to create a web server that will server HTML, Servlets and
> RESTful services all in one.
> The reason why I'm struggling is because the Jersey examples use the
> com.sun.jersey.api.container.grizzly.GrizzlyWebContainerFactory as opposed
> to GrizzlyWebServer class from the Grizzly packages. Can somebody point me
> to documentation or an example that will put me on the correct path?
> Thank you,
> Alfred