Re: [Jersey] Better example

From: Oleksiy Stashok <Oleksiy.Stashok_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2010 16:18:37 +0200

Hi Alfred,

I found this sample on the mailing list:

                _webServer = new GrizzlyWebServer(port, docRoot.getAbsolutePath());

                 // Jersey adapter
                ServletAdapter jerseyAdapter = new ServletAdapter();
                jerseyAdapter.setServletInstance(new ServletContainer());
                _webServer.addGrizzlyAdapter(jerseyAdapter, new String[] { "/
jersey" });

                // Static adapter
                _webServer.addGrizzlyAdapter(new GrizzlyAdapter() {
                        public void service(GrizzlyRequest request, GrizzlyResponse
response) {
                }, new String[] { "/" });


You can also add any number of Grizzly ServletAdapter(s) to serve

To use servlet filters - please pass them (class names) via
"listeners" parameter of ServletAdapter constructor [1]

Hope this will help.
If you'll have more questions - just ask.



     * Convenience constructor.
     * @param publicDirectory The folder where the static resource are
     * @param servletCtx {_at_link ServletContextImpl} to be used by new
     * @param contextParameters Context parameters.
     * @param servletInitParameters servlet initialization parameres.
     * @param listeners Listeners.
    protected ServletAdapter(String publicDirectory,
ServletContextImpl servletCtx,
            HashMap<String,String> contextParameters,
HashMap<String,String> servletInitParameters,
            ArrayList<String> listeners)

On Jul 30, 2010, at 14:59 , Paul Sandoz wrote:

> Hi Alfred,
> Cross posting to the Grizzly users list they should be able to help
> with the related Grizzly set up using GrizzlyWebServer.
> Paul.
> On Jul 22, 2010, at 5:44 PM, Rebel Geek wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I did a few searches in the forums and I could not find what I was
>> looking for, so please forgive me if I've indadvertedly repeated a
>> question....
>> I have a Wep Application (WAR) that I have running with the Jetty-
>> runner. It has the following features:
>> Serves up dojo pages (static HTML)
>> Has Servlets/filters for authentication and AJAX
>> I would like to add Jersey RESTful services to this, but I'd also
>> like to get rid of Jetty and use Grizzly completely embedded in the
>> application. I see examples of embedding Grizzly and I see
>> examples of creating REST Resource, etc., but I don't see any
>> examples that will point me to using Jersey/Grizzly to create a web
>> server that will server HTML, Servlets and RESTful services all in
>> one.
>> The reason why I'm struggling is because the Jersey examples use
>> the com.sun.jersey.api.container.grizzly.GrizzlyWebContainerFactory
>> as opposed to GrizzlyWebServer class from the Grizzly packages. Can
>> somebody point me to documentation or an example that will put me
>> on the correct path?
>> Thank you,
>> Alfred