RFH Jersey MVC - Reading JSPs from a Jar

From: Imran M Yousuf <>
Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 15:21:17 +0600


We are currently working on a multi-module maven Java project. We want
to use Jersey for our REST API and Templating (Jersey MVC). The
challenge that we face is that, AFAIK, currently Jersey reads the
Viewable JSP from WebApp doc root; in our case different modules,
which are jar packaged, consist of their own views; now when the
modules are assembled in a WAR we want the views to work exactly in
the same manner as the resources. Can you please suggest me how to
achieve it? Please feel free to ask me any questions for further

Thank you,

Imran M Yousuf
Entrepreneur & CEO
Smart IT Engineering Ltd.
25/5B, Block F, Haji Chinu Miah Road Bylane
Joint Quarter, Mohammadpur
Dhaka - 1207, Bangladesh
Mobile: +880-1711402557