Re: [Jersey] Jersey Test Framework

From: Pavel Bucek <Pavel.Bucek_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 20 May 2010 19:29:53 +0200


we have short chapter about that in our user guide [1], however it could
be more verbose.

What do you use instead of maven? Ant? If so, do you have some simple
build.xml which you can share? I would like to update it, add test
execution and publish it in our user guide..



On 5/20/10 6:14 PM, Arcot wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question in Jersey Test Framework. We do not use a Maven
> framework in our environments. Can you suggest a way to use the Jersey
> test framework for testing the Rest web services?
> Thanks
> Raj Kumar Arcot
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