Hello Noah,
Embedded GFv3 is supported but not final version so I recommend using
external container as you proposed.
If you are using latest (1.2-SNAPSHOT) jersey, you can do it by
1) adding dependency on
3) deploying your app (manually, test framework doesn't know how to
deploy on external container automatically)
2) running
mvn clean install
And tests should run against your container.
If you are using older version of jersey, take a look at
NBW wrote:
> Many of my Jersey Resource classes use injected EJBs. I was wondering
> if it is possible to use the Jersey Test Framework to test these
> resource classes. I thought perhaps I might be able to use the
> ExternalContainerFactory and -DJERSEY_HTTP_PORT=8080 (my GFv3
> http-listener-1 port). If this is possible how do you instruct the JTF
> to deploy to the container or do you have to do that manually prior to
> running your JTF test? Any samples using JTF to an external GFv3
> container would be nice (assuming I can go that route to do in
> container tests with my EJBs). Thanks.
> -Noah
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