I guess that means it is a custom Jersey Entity @Provider. I'd prefer
to continue using as much as possible spec only features and see how
that goes.
Continuing my experiment I have discovered that removing the
@FormParam and keeping any of the @Context approaches seems to leave
the parameters on the request.
I kind of correlated this behavior with the Chapter 6, 6.1. Servlet
Container details:
An injected HttpServletRequest allows a resource method to stream the
contents of a request entity.
If the resource method has a parameter whose value is derived from the
request entity then the stream will have already been consumed and an
attempt to access it MAY result in an exception.
Servlet filters may trigger consumption of a request body by accessing
request parameters. In a servlet container the @FormParam annotation
and the standard entity provider for application/x-www-form-urlencoded
MUST obtain their values from the servlet request parameters if the
request body has already been consumed.
Now, I must confess that there are a couple of things that are not
clear in the above paragraph:
1. what is the standard entity provider for application/x-www-form-urlencoded?
2. the spec mentioned how @FormParam and entity provider must behave,
but there's no mention of the impact on the request. Should I
understand from the behavior I am seeing that the request body has
been consumed? Is this specific to Jersey impl?
:- alex
2010/3/30 Jose Javier García Zornoza <josejavier.garcia.zornoza_at_gmail.com>:
> I found it searching Jersey test code.
> You can see this same aproach here http://bit.ly/bMXJhU
> <https://jersey.dev.java.net/source/browse/jersey/>
> Alexandru Popescu ☀ escribió:
>> Thanks I'll try that. But I'm wondering where can I read about this
>> approach you are suggesting? I don't remember seeing it anywhere in
>> the spec and it doesn't look like using any of the @Context or
>> @XParam...
>> :- alex
>> 2010/3/30 Jose Javier García Zornoza <josejavier.garcia.zornoza_at_gmail.com>:
>>> Hello.
>>> Try this:
>>> @POST
>>> public Response mset(MultivaluedMap<String, String> formParams) {
>>> ....
>>> }
>>> Alexandru Popescu ☀ escribió:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I am not really sure if it is something wrong with the below code or
>>>> just something I don't understand:
>>>> @POST
>>>> public Response mset(@Context HttpContext httpContext,
>>>> @FormParam("nx") String nx) {
>>>> Form form= httpContext.getRequest().getFormParameters();
>>>> assertNotEmpty(form); // <== this FAILS, even if I'm 100% form
>>>> data is submitted
>>>> }
>>>> @POST
>>>> public Response mset(@Context HttpServletRequest request,
>>>> @FormParam("nx") String nx) {
>>>> Map params= request.getParameterMap();
>>>> assertNotEmpty(form); // <== this FAILS, even if I'm 100% form
>>>> data is submitted
>>>> }
>>>> For both above cases, if I'm using @FormParam-s the form parameters
>>>> are correctly retrieved. The problem I'm trying to solve is that
>>>> my service is not aware beforehand of all form parameters so it needs
>>>> to retrieve all of them.
>>>> For current code I am using Grizzly 1.9.18 with the following setup:
>>>> SelectorThread threadSelector =
>>>> GrizzlyWebContainerFactory.create(BASE_URI, initParams);
>>>> Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
>>>> Many thanks in advance,
>>>> :- alex
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