Re: [Jersey] Google App Engine support

From: Kevin Duffey <>
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 17:12:17 -0700 (PDT)

That is fantastic news. You say it used to not be, but now is.. does one of the latest versions do something to support it that it wasn't doing before? Is there any info on how to work within the GAE eclipse project to make it work? I've copied the jersey 1.1.5 jars (server, core, client, etc) + the jsr-311.jar, jaxb-impl, jaxb, etc jars into the GAE web-inf/lib folder. Is that all there is to it? Or do I need some other jar files?

I am curious for things like Authentication filters that I set up in the web.xml... do they still work? Does JSON and XML via JAXB work with XSD generated classes?

Also interested in if EJB and such works..but I am guessing it doesn't. That is what is kinda of messing me up on using GAE.. it looks like my current GlassFish v3 single .war that I use the @EJB annotations in my service class to access ejb session beans, that then use entity beans to store to a mysql db.. are not possible. So it seems I will still have to do some sort of special deployment for GAE in this regard.

How are you handling database stuff? I read from early 2009 they didn't support mysql. Any ideas on the ejb/database stuff?


--- On Sun, 3/28/10, Vineet Sinha <> wrote:

From: Vineet Sinha <>
Subject: Re: [Jersey] Google App Engine support
Date: Sunday, March 28, 2010, 2:08 PM

Kevin,Jersey is being used on GAE (atleast by us). When we started using it JAXB was not supported by GAE - but it now is. 
You should be able to just use Jersey and have it work, though we haven't tested with the latest version.
We do want to be open to switching to EC2 if/when necessary. But we haven't switched yet. As long as you don't use Google's API's switching should not be too hard.

On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Kevin Duffey <> wrote:

I saw some threads back in mid/end of last year. Wondering if any new version of Jersey provides support to be deployed in GAE? If not, is there a write-up anywhere on how to get Jersey to work with GAE?

I use an XSD, generate the Jax-B java classes, and pass those around. I've only built the server-side that takes in the JAX-B classes and uses them directly. Is this possible to support yet in GAE? I read that I don't need to include the JAX-B jar files.. as the Java 6 on GAE supports them?

I am using the Eclipse plugin for GAE, and I am quite impressed how easy it is to develop/test/deploy, not to mention I had no idea it was completely free if you use their free domain name... 2GB per day is plenty for simple/basic apps and services.

I'd really like to be able to deploy some services for testing by developers, before I attempt to launch it on EC2 and pay more money. I'd like to look at using a domain I register, mapped to the GAE deployment for the time being while I have an alpha/beta test, then later redirect the domain to the EC2 deployment when it's ready to be released. Anyone done something like this?

Anyway, wanted to get a rough idea of what to do to get my services working. I just started with GAE to help a friend put up a site, and thought it would be nice to be able to deploy REST services as well using Jersey.
