On Mar 23, 2010, at 5:26 PM, Chris Carrier wrote:
> Not sure if this is a vote kind of thing but if backwards
> compatibility is restricting Jersey's development either by taking up
> resources or simply technical issues I would prefer to move over to
> 1.6.
Yes, it is both.
> I'm not familiar with some of the containers mentioned in this
> thread but they sound kind of rigid if it's that hard to upgrade Java.
> I'd prefer not to be tied in to those restrictions.
I suspect that in such cases it is not technical but related to
support and what is certified.
e.g. a certain version of Oracle OC4J is only certified to run on SE 5.
Note that SE 5 is EOL'ed:
> Chris
> On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 8:07 AM, Patrick Dreyer
> <Patrick_at_dreyer.name> wrote:
>> Am 23.03.2010 13:00, schrieb Jan Algermissen:
>>> Jakub,
>>> On Mar 23, 2010, at 11:58 AM, Jakub Podlesak wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> We are thinking about switching Jersey to use SE 6.
>>>> Then running on SE 5 would no longer be possible.
>>> What about app servers that are still around but only run SE 5?
>>> From an
>>> 'enterprise' perspective, I'd try to support SE 5 as long as
>>> possible.
>>> Upgrading to a new version of BEA Web Logic for example is not
>>> straight-forward for most enterprises.
>>> If switching to SE6 means that a large percentage of potential
>>> corporate
>>> REST adopters do not have access to the latest Jersey then I'd be
>>> careful.
>>> Jan
>> +1
>> -Patrick
>>>> Would that be fine for everybody?
>>>> Please let us know.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> ~Jakub
>>>> --
>>>> http://blogs.sun.com/japod
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