Can you produce "natural" JSON in Google App Engine?

From: ycx4321 <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 16:47:50 -0800


I cannot produce the "natural" JSON in Google App Engine using the Jersey
example here:

Even though I called JSONConfiguration.natural().build() in my own
ContextResolver, The JSON always has the xml root tag (i.e. the default) as
if I have not extend ContextResolver. I noted that the JSON natural format
in Jersey requires jaxb-impl.2.1.10 and above. I am using the Jersey
1.1.5-ea 20100104 build which bundles jaxb-impl.2.1.12. Is this because the
jax-impl version in Google App Engine is not up to date to the version
required by Jersey?
