OT: Address Book Sample 1.2

From: Markus Karg <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 23:31:41 +0100



Dear RESTful Community,


after Oracle kindly helped fixing some Maven trouble with EclipseLink
recently, we are glad that we could finally publish our first Address Book
Sample binary release (actually basing on source code 1.2, so don't wonder
about the odd version number).


For those who do not know, the Address Book Sample is one of two fully
functional sample projects, serving as blue prints for WebDAV based RESTful
services, and as test drivers of the software developed by "The
WebDAV Project" ( Using this sample, which
implements a simple DB-based Address Book service, one has a jumpstart into
the world of WebDAV based RESTful services. The Address Book Sample comes
with a one-click build and start environment (thanks to Maven) allowing you
to easily test drive it. It makes use of two main components, "WebDAV
Support for JAX-RS" (a JAX-RS extension implementing the WebDAV protocol)
and "Interop" (a Servlet Filter providing workarounds dealing with the
well-known Microsoft Clients bugs). WebDAV based services are great, since
they implement a file protocol (not just a service protocol), so you can
access services like files -- for example, you can compute file content on
the fly while Konqueror or Windows File Explorer is copying a file to the
local harddisk, or you can "live" render a PDF on the fly while Windows
Vista is pulling it to present it's preview. Usability is just great since
you move around files instead of explicitly call a service, removing the
need for a special client software. :-)


The sample project can be used to build your own WebDAV solution ontop of it
-- just add or drop features and you're done.


New to this particular release are support of LOCK and UNLOCK, providing
compatibility to Windows Vista clients. Also, JPA was updated from 1.0 to
2.0, including a move from EclipseLink 1.0 to 2.0.


Have fun trying it out. We like to hear from you on our mailing list:


Please visit our WebSite:


