CMP and Jersey

From: Comerford, Sean <>
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 21:57:36 +0000

I have a JPA (w/ Hibernate) connection to a SQL server DB configured. I have
a bunch of Jersey resources configured and successfully working by getting
an EntityManagerFactory directly via a call to

Now Iım trying to convert these resources to have Glassfish inject the EMF
as is done in the bookmark Jersey sample... i.e:

@PersistenceUnit(unitName = "NbaJpa")
EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory = null;

I have changed my web.xml to use the Jersey ServletAdaptor (as shown in the
bookmark example) and changed the params as appropriate for data source.

Iım guessing Iım missing something completely brain dead but as far as I can
tell, the only difference at this point with my project and the bookmark
example is Iım NOT using a JTA data source. But when I try to access the
Jersey resource that uses CMP I get the exception shown below. For what itıs
worth, my other resources that still call Persistence.createEMF to get the
EMF directly work fine.

Any ideas what Iıve missed? It seems to be trying to connect to localhost
1527 (the derby port I believe) for unknown reasons. My one and only
persistence unit is configured as a JDBC resource to talk to a remote host
on port 1433 (the SQL server port).

org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: Cannot open connection
... Blah blah blah ....
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Error in allocating a connection. Cause:
Connection could not be allocated because: : Error
connecting to server localhost on port 1527 with message Connection refused.
    at com.sun.gjc.spi.base.DataSource.getConnection(
    ... 65 more

Sean Comerford, Software Engineer Site Architecture Group
Office: 860.766.6454    Cell: 860.329.5842