Re: [Jersey] How to compile the examples with Maven?

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 09:51:13 +0100

Hi Steinar,

How did you obtain the samples?

Did you follow similar instructions as presented in Jakub's reply?

Or did you check out the samples from the SVN repo?

I am guessing from the error it was the latter. Currently one needs to
check out the whole of Jersey and build all components in the order
specified by maven. I am not sure if there is anything we can do to
the pom files to make it easier to compile individual components that
are checked out (another developer was having an issue checking out
and compiling the OAuth modules).


On Nov 21, 2009, at 4:26 PM, Steinar Overbeck Cook wrote:

> I've tried to compile the Jersey samples version 1.1.14 using Maven
> 2. However, no matter which version of the samples I attempt to
> download, they all fail:
> Project ID: null:helloworld:jar:null
> Reason: Cannot find parent: com.sun.jersey.samples:jersey-samples
> for project: null:helloworld:jar:null for project
> null:helloworld:jar:null
> I have tried to donwload the jersey-samples-x.x.x.pom, which brings
> me one step further until I get this:
> [INFO] Error reading assemblies: Error locating assembly descriptor:
> assembly.xml
> [1] [INFO] Searching for file location: /Users/steinarcook/Downloads/
> jersey-samples-1.1.4/assembly.xml
> [2] [INFO] File: /Users/steinarcook/Downloads/jersey-samples-1.1.4/
> assembly.xml does not exist.
> [3] [INFO] Invalid artifact specification: 'assembly.xml'. Must
> contain at least three fields, separated by ':'.
> [4] [INFO] Failed to resolve classpath resource: /assemblies/
> assembly.xml from classloader:
> org.codehaus.classworlds.RealmClassLoader_at_5dde45e2
> [5] [INFO] Failed to resolve classpath resource: assembly.xml from
> classloader: org.codehaus.classworlds.RealmClassLoader_at_5dde45e2
> [6] [INFO] File: /Users/steinarcook/Downloads/jersey-samples-1.1.4/
> assembly.xml does not exist.
> [7] [INFO] Building URL from location: assembly.xml
> What am I doing wrong here? I would rather not spend time on
> learning NetBeans and Glassfish :-)
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