Re: [Jersey] Problem (+ cryptic error message) with _at_Provider / ContextResolver

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 13 Nov 2009 15:53:11 +0100

On Nov 13, 2009, at 11:45 AM, Stefane Fermigier wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm running into a serious problem when trying to create my own
> ContextResolvers to inject context into my method calls, and the
> error message "Method, ... is not recognized as valid Java method
> annotated with @HttpMethod." is not very helpful. Any idea on how to
> fix it ?
> Here are three classes that showcase the problem I have:
> A resource class:
> @Path("/")
> public class TestPage {
> @GET
> @Path("/test")
> public String home(@Context MyContext context) throws Exception {

You need to be explicit in the use of ContextResolver. Try:

     public String home(@Context ContextResolver<MyContext> context)
throws Exception {

And i agree the error is cryptic. I need to improve error reporting
when a value cannot be injected.


> return "OK: " + context.hello();
> }
> }
> A dummy context class:
> public class MyContext {
> public String hello() {
> return "hello!";
> }
> }
> And a context provider:
> @Provider
> public final class MyContextProvider implements
> ContextResolver<MyContext> {
> public MyContext getContext(Class<?> type) {
> return new MyContext();
> }
> }
> The server logs say:
> 11:28:16,995 INFO [JavaUtilLoggingHelper$LogHandler] Scanning for
> root resource and provider classes in the packages:
> 11:28:17,136 INFO [JavaUtilLoggingHelper$LogHandler] Root resource
> classes found:
> class
> 11:28:17,136 INFO [JavaUtilLoggingHelper$LogHandler] Provider
> classes found:
> class
> class
> 11:28:17,278 INFO [JavaUtilLoggingHelper$LogHandler] Initiating
> Jersey application, version 'Jersey: 1.1.3-ea 10/06/2009 05:13 PM'
> 11:28:19,278 ERROR [JavaUtilLoggingHelper$LogHandler] service
> exception:
> com.sun.jersey.api.container.ContainerException: Method, public
> java.lang.String
> throws java.lang.Exception, annotated with GET of resource, class
>, is not recognized as valid Java method
> annotated with @HttpMethod.
> at
> com
> .sun
> .jersey
> .server
> .impl.model.method.ResourceHttpMethod.<init>(
> 92)
> S.
> --
> Stefane Fermigier, Founder and Chairman, Nuxeo
> Open Source, Java EE based, Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
> Web: - Tel: +33 1 40 33 79 87
> New: follow me on Twitter:
> --
> Stefane Fermigier, Founder and Chairman, Nuxeo
> Open Source, Java EE based, Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
> Web: - Tel: +33 1 40 33 79 87
> New: follow me on Twitter: