Re: [Jersey] Firefox making multiple GET requests against a resource - any idea why?

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 18:06:35 +0100

Hi Alex,

I dunno if the following helps:

> From looking at the response in Firebug, the content-encoding has
> been set
> to gzip and I was wondering whether this would be incorrect for a gif
> (output from a byte[])?

Do you know what is setting the Content-Encoding response header? do
you have a filter specified supporting gzip'ing of response entities?

In any case that should be harmless although rather inefficient given
that a 1x1 GIF image is returned.

I suspect that the HTML image take is playing some role in this.

You might want ti play around with the cache control headers you are
using. Perhaps try:

   return Response.ok(ONE_BY_ONE).type("image/gif").build();

and see if that works.


On Nov 12, 2009, at 5:41 PM, Alex Bleasdale wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing a similar issue -
> I've created a resource that returns a 1x1 transparent gif image
> called
> ONE_BY_ONE (the response is written out from a static byte array
> containing
> the necessary information).
> At the top of the method, I'm using the @Produces annotation to set
> the mime
> type to "image/gif" and - for each get request - the resource uses
> hibernate
> to write out one row to a table.
> On completion, the final response is rendered like so in my resource
> method:
> return Response.ok(ONE_BY_ONE).cacheControl(cc).type("image/
> gif").build();
> I've tested the resource in Firefox, Opera, Chrome and IE8 (all
> patched and
> up-to-date) in Windows XP.
> On making a request to "get" the resource, Opera, Chrome and IE8 all
> register one request, which in turn writes out one row. This is the
> desired
> behaviour and is consistent even over several attempts.
> However, getting the resource using Firefox (3.5) will cause 2 (and
> sometimes 3) rows to be written every time. In other words, from
> looking at
> the logs, it would appear that the "GET" happens multiple times.
> The only info I've managed to find online regarding how I may be
> able to go
> about solving this this is:
> Their suggestion of adding character encoding was something I tried
> (@Produces("image/gif;charset=ISO-8859-1")) but this has not
> appeared to
> make any difference whatsoever.
> From looking at the response in Firebug, the content-encoding has
> been set
> to gzip and I was wondering whether this would be incorrect for a gif
> (output from a byte[])?
> I've seen in some places, a recommendation for Content-Transfer-
> Encoding:
> base64 when "producing" gifs and was wondering whether I should set
> this
> (and indeed, whether it would make any difference if I did).
> Firstly, does anyone know how to alter the transfer encoding and is it
> something that should be done if you're using jersey to output
> images (and
> the like).
> Secondly, has anyone else found themselves to be in a similar
> situation with
> Firefox? If so, can they offer me any advice as to what my options
> are?
> Thanks in advance,
> A
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