Re: [Jersey] ServletContainer: Specify packages *and* application?

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 10:30:07 +0100


You can add the fully qualified name of the InjectableProvider class
to the following file:


located in WEB-INF/classes or in an appropriate jar file included in
WEB-INF/lib. Alternatively you can add the class to the following file:


But i recommend using the former.

I have not tried this particular configuration set up. An injectable
provider injecting stuff into an Application sub-class but i think it
should work with the latest 1.1.4-ea or 1.1.5-ea SNAPSHOT. Please let
me know ASAP if it does not.


On Nov 10, 2009, at 10:11 AM, Chris Hubick wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a package containing a generic JAX-RS Application subclass
> MyApplication, which I am trying to not tie specifically to the Jersey
> JAX-RS implementation. MyApplication does a lot of heavy lifting to
> create and provide several singletons (root resources) which are
> tied to
> it.
> I also have a reusable utility package with a custom object MyObject.
> MyApplication's constructor requires a MyObject.
> So, I create a separate Jersey-specific utility package with an
> InjectableProvider implementation for MyObject. Like MyObject, this
> package is also reusable, and not tied to the MyApplication package.
> Now, the problem comes when trying to instantiate all this inside
> ServletContainer. What I would want to do is specify a 'packages'
> init-param pointing to my InjectableProvider *and* specify an
> 'application' init-param for MyApplication. Sadly, it does not
> appear I
> can do both?
> It looks as though I can specify a 'resourceConfigClass', but does
> ResourceConfig allow one to provide an Application whose singletons
> will
> be retrieved?
> In reality, I have many MyObject's, MyApplication's, and
> InjectableProvider's, which would be combined in various ways as
> needed
> depending on the environment. If ResourceConfig is the only answer,
> is
> there a way to create and configure one at runtime, so that I don't
> need
> to create a separate package for every component combination
> ResourceConfig implementation? I guess I could write such a thing
> if it
> doesn't exist.
> Thanks for any advice!
> --
> Chris Hubick
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