On Nov 2, 2009, at 12:04 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Hi Jordi,
> I have verified there is a bug in the FormDataBodyPart.getValue
> method. It is ignoring the charset parameter (if present) on the
> media type.
> In fact this method is doing it's own string parsing when it should
> be deferring to the string reader provided of the message body reader.
I fixed the above.
So if your client is sending multipart/form content with the
ISO-8859-1 charset declared appropriately in the Content-Type of
relevant body parts it should work.
If you are using Jersey's FormDataMultiPart on the client side you
will have to do something like:
new FormDataMultiPart().field("name", "value",
otherwise if you use the "field" method with two String parameters
then UTF-8 will be used to encode the String characters. And note that
if the charset parameter is absent when decoding then UTF-8 will be
used to decode to String characters.
> Can you:
> 1) verify there is a charset parameter present on the Content-Type
> of the body part identified as "name"; and
> 2) try doing the following and seeing if that works (which depends
> on a charset parameter with a value of "ISO-8859-1" being present)
> multiPart.getField("name").getValueAs(String.class);
> Paul.
> On Nov 2, 2009, at 11:49 AM, Jordi Domingo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've got some problems with char encoding using multipart API. I've
>> been able to solve this in my pc using:
>> String name = multiPart.getField("name").getValue();
>> name = new String(name.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "UTF-8");
>> But in production it is not working. Chars like àáèéìí ... are
>> shown like ??
>> Any help is appreciated. Thanks,
>> Jordi
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