THW Pathos Parameter should Be Part of the quer... So there is nö
conflict, isn't it?
Sent from my iPhone
On 05.11.2009, at 09:12, Jordi Domingo <> wrote:
> I didnt explained it well.
> There's authentication and authorization, but authorization is done
> by client id.
> Yes, diferent clients have diferent sets of buildings.
> The problem is that an url with clients/2 may contain a buildings/
> 30 that belongs to another client. The server should make a 404
> reponse to clients/2/buildings/30 because it doesnt exist and should
> be clients/1/buildings/30.
> I know this is not a Jersey issue, I'm just asking wich way you
> think would be better to implement this king of url validation.
> Thanks,
> Jordi
> Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 16:24:01 +0100
> From: Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Jersey] Doubt about URL validation
> Hi,
> Is not an issue w.r.t. authorization based on the the principle that
> is authenticated?
> And/Or do different clients have different sets of buildings?
> I guess you can tell from my questions that i do not really
> understand your example,
> Paul.
> On Nov 4, 2009, at 3:35 PM, Jordi Domingo wrote:
> Hi all!
> Ive found a security hole in my own application that is solved right
> now ,but I want to know your thoughts about the best way to validate
> the URL.
> For example:
> http://localhost:8080/clients/1/buildings/29/floors/9
> If we take a look, we see we are asking for the floor 9 in the
> building 29 of the client 1. In my case, all floors have an ID and a
> foreign key to buildings, and buildings have an ID and a foreign key
> to clients.
> To seach a floor i just need the floor ID and if we only validate
> the client ID (1) a malicious user with access to client 2 may
> access floor 9 asking
> http://localhost:8080/clients2/buildings/29/floors/9
> It's just a demo, but i hope i wrote it well so everybody understand
> it.
> My question here is, the ddbb design is bad, wich way you think will
> be better to validate the URL?
> Thanks,
> Jordi
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