Re: [Jersey] Re: Atmosphere Spade Server in OSGi

From: Vlatko Davidovski <>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2009 23:29:03 +0200

Thanks for your feedback Paul! Could you be more specific in the steps
to be taken. Unfortunately I am not that much fluent with all the
structure of Jersey and I just recently started using Atmosphere Spade
It would be great if you could step by step the required actions and I
will do my best to get this thing working under OSGi. At least with
the quick fix.


On Sep 28, 2009, at 8:35 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:

> On Sep 28, 2009, at 3:41 PM, Vlatko Davidovski wrote:
>> Hi Paul!
>> Thanks so much for the fast reply.
>> I was quite happy to see Atmosphere Spade Server as a module in the
>> system I am developing (a RESTful device gateway for automation)
>> because of the following reasons:
>> - it can run standalone
>> - supports REST
>> - supports Comet
>> However, as I based my system on OSGi, I am now in a serious
>> dilemma on how to continue. Do you have any suggestions on quick
>> fixes I could do to get atmosphere (the Jersey part of it) under
>> OSGi until a decent solution comes from the dev team?
> It seems that you need some changes to the spade server to register
> an implementation of Application/ResourceConfig? that should be
> possible.
> The tricky but will be supporting Jersey with META-INF/service.
> As a quick fix you could register all the classes declared in those
> files for jersey-core and jersey-server and the atmosphere (see
> jersey-server-components) in the ResourceConfig e.g. you could have
> a special ResourceConfig that does that from which you extend to add
> your application stuff.
> Paul.
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