Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Hi Sam,
> On Aug 2, 2009, at 3:09 AM, Sam Zang wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am developing an application using Jersey.
>> I would like to know if there is async processing support
>> in Jersey.
> What type of support do you want?
> Comet support using Jersey is being defined in the Atmosphere project:
> Or do you require something a little simpler than comet that suspends
> a request until some work is complete to return the response? the
> latter is not currently supported in Jersey but it is something we can
> work on, and probably should reside in the Atmosphere project as well
> (to take advantage of the abstract suspend support across containers)
> and is probably quite simple to enable (when the Atmosphere expert
> returns back from holiday :-) ).
> There are also some improvements to the client side we can make for
> supporting async. requests (currently only Future is supported) via
> callbacks. More on this in a bit.
I am thinking of the simpler case. My application does
public class MyResource {
public CheckCashingResponse checkcashing(CheckCashingRequest req)
The POST request may need to use remote resource
so it could take some time.
I am looking for a way to suspend the request and
resume it when the processing is done.
I will take a look at Atmosphere project in the mean time.
>> Also, I need to use SSL protocol. Does anyone have an example
>> to host Jersey in a web container that supports https?
> There are two samples using Glassfish and Grizzly:
> Paul.
Thanks for the info.