Re: [Jersey] Auto-generated WADL

From: Martin Grotzke <>
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2009 10:12:32 +0200

Hi Mark,

On Wed, 2009-07-08 at 06:10 -0700, Mark Petrovic wrote:
> Hello.
> I have noticed that the auto-generated WADL output
> http://host:port/{context}/{Jersey prefix}/application.wadl
> may produce output for one portion of the URL space located far from
> the output for other portions of the URL space. For example, if I
> have a rich tree under /products/{productId}/..., I may find most of
> the wadl output treating this tree in one section of the document, and
> another section of the tree in another section of the document.
> Is this scattering inherent in the auto-generated output, or is there
> some way I can arrange for the URL space treatment to appear in one
> contiguous portion of the output?
AFAIK there's no possibility to arrange/influence the output. Do you
have an example of what you get right now, and what you'd like to get?


> Thanks.
> --
> Mark Petrovic
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