I've been involved in a project that returns rdf/xml and n3 - like
marc says, it was simple to define the media type:
public final static String APPLICATION_RDF_XML = "application/rdf+xml";
public final static MediaType APPLICATION_RDF_XML_TYPE = new
MediaType("application", "rdf+xml");
2009/7/14 Marc Hadley <Marc.Hadley_at_sun.com>:
> On Jul 14, 2009, at 12:46 PM, Rabick, Mark A (IS) wrote:
>> Is there a plan to extend javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType with other types like
>> application/rdf+xml?
> Not sure what you mean. Do you mean will we be adding additional constants
> to MediaType ? Note that anyone can create a new MediaType constant in their
> code, you don't have to wait for the API to add one. All of the constants in
> the MediaType class are just declared like this:
> public final static String APPLICATION_XML = "application/xml";
> public final static MediaType APPLICATION_XML_TYPE = new
> MediaType("application","xml");
> Marc.
>> I’m working on returning an ontological model and instance data through a
>> Jersey resource. Has anyone encountered any issues with this media/mime
>> type?
>> --mark
>> _______________________________________________
>> Mark A. Rabick
>> Software Engineer
>> Northrop Grumman - Integrated Mission Systems (IS/DSD/IMS)
>> 3200 Samson Way
>> Bellevue, NE 68123
>> Ph: (402) 293-7091
>> Em: mark.rabick_at_ngc.com
>> Remember PFC Ross A. McGinnis...
>> http://www.army.mil/medalofhonor/McGinnis/index.html
>> ... MA2 Michael A. Monsoor, Lt. Michael P. Murphy, Cpl. Jason Dunham, SFC
>> Paul Ray Smith and the rest...
>> http://www.cmohs.org/recipients/most_recent.htm
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