Re: [Jersey] Demoing Scala+Lift templates with Jersey <was> Re: [Jersey] is there a way to get hold of the resource bean from inside a MessageBodyWriter? (and Lift templates are kinda working...)

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 15:40:57 +0200

On May 21, 2009, at 1:22 PM, James Strachan wrote:

> 2009/5/21 Paul Sandoz <>:
>> Hi,
>> I got the source (first time using git :-) ),
> Warning its highly addictive! I love "git stash" :)
> This is a good guide to find your feet from an svn background...
> for an overview of git I like the community book...

Thanks, the SVN link was incredibly helpful.

>> built and tested it, but i had
>> to add the following to the pom of lift-jersey and lift-jersey-test:
>> <repositories>
>> <repository>
>> <id></id>
>> <url></url>
>> <layout>default</layout>
>> </repository>
>> </repositories>
> Awesome patch applied thanks!
> I've not seen a ton of interest from lift folks for the jersey
> adapter;

I guess they have their own support plus they want to innovate with

> so am wondering if moving it to jersey might make more sense
> - though we're currently dependent on trunk of lift; and a few things
> might need further lift patches maybe (e.g. better integration with
> sitemap). So maybe waiting until the JavaOne releases is safer then
> merging into jersey trunk whenever is a good time?

We have deferred releasing 1.1.1-ea, until the end of June. It was far
too ambitious to do a release with all the J1 responsibilities
(stomach, eyes, large ...). So feel free to mess around with the
trunk. We will most likely need regular SNAPSHOT builds for J1, but i
doubt there will be some major issues with that, and if there are we
can always comment out appropriate modules from building from the
parent projects.

> I should hopefully have a demo I can point you at soon of using lift
> on a jersey application;


> I've just about got my head around lift
> templates now :) They take some getting used to - definitely an
> acquired taste, but once acquired they are very elegant & powerful
> (will full type safety & IDE completion no less).

Yes, that is what caught my attention.
