Re: [Jersey] WadlGeneratorApplicationDoc file contents??

From: Martin Grotzke <>
Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 09:43:06 +0200

Hi Mark,

it definitely support multiple elements per doc element, I'm using it
like this.

In your snippet below there are opening <p> elements missing. Can you
check if that's the reason?


On Mon, 2009-05-11 at 17:20 -0500, Rabick, Mark A (IS) wrote:
> I tried adding more than 1 sentence to my application-doc.xml but the
> generated wadl only shows the first sentence….
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
> <applicationDocs
> targetNamespace="">
> <doc xml:lang="en" title="My ReST API (WADL)">
> This document describes the available resources and data
> input/output formats available
> in the ReSTful web services application.
> <p/>
> The context root of the application is <code>rest</code>
> (http://{server}:{port}/rest).
> <p/>
> The current services available include limited querying for
> blah… by
> <i>id, name</i> values and patterns.
> <p/>
> Another paragraph
> <p/>
> <h1>Summary of Services</h1>
> <ul>
> <li>Something...</li>
> <li>Something Else...</li>
> </ul>
> </doc>
> </applicationDocs>
> Can it support more information or just 1 sentence? I'm using Jersey
> 1.0.3
> --mark
> _______________________________________________
> Mark A. Rabick