Re: [Jersey] using Lift templates with Jersey (was Re: [Jersey] custom TemplateProcessor not having its constructor injected?)

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 11:38:36 +0200

On Apr 24, 2009, at 10:19 AM, James Strachan wrote:
>>>> Is this this the start of a jersey-scala module ? :-)
>>> It could be :). When I've something more interesting than the
>>> previous
>>> bit of code I'll probably pop it up on github first; being neither a
>>> committer in Jersey or Lift - its then up to other folks to pull it
>>> into Jersey/Lift as they see fit.
>> If you like i can grant you the Developer role for Jersey. I think
>> given the
>> patches you have submitted you clearly know what is going on :-)
> Awesome thanks! :) I'll start hacking up a jersey-scala and
> jersey-lift module... :)

Great. I will approve your request.

> Would the contrib's place be the best place to put them?

Yes, would you mind working for the moment in a branch?

I have just completed the JAX-RS 1.1 integration and we are going to
cut a stable 1.1.0-ea (we are calling it "ea" because EE 6 is not
final) next week.

The plan is to then do another release, 1.1.1-ea, just before JavaOne.

> I guess we could have jersey-scala as a library, which just provides
> one or two helpers for using vanilla Scala and JAXRS/Jersey together
> (e.g. to put the fairly trivial NodeWriter which writes NodeSeq types;
> so folks can use Scala resource beans like this...
> @Path("/bar")
> class BarResource {
> @GET
> @Produces(Array("text/html"))
> def view() = <html><body><h1>Hello World!</h1></body></html>
> }
> we could modify the samples/scala-hello-world to reuse the (very
> trivial) jersey-scala library to show how markup can be created
> directly in resource beans in scala like above.

Good idea.

> We could maybe use Scala Nodes or List/Tuple/Map to create a JSON
> writer too?


I still want to explore this:

> Then I was thinking there could be a separate jersey-lift library to
> add lift template support (which would also depend on liftweb). It
> might be there ends up being a few different template options in the
> Scala world; there's lifts, then Sweetscala uses freemarker
> folks might wanna use JSP/Velocity too maybe and maybe there'll be
> others.

Agreed, it is definitely worth considering a number options here.

> I saw a JSP-with-scala like thing the other day but can't find
> it now.



>>> Any plans to move Jersey to git BTW? :) It'd make contributing add
>>> ons
>>> much easier...
>> Tempting. I have considered moving over to and then we
>> could get
>> git or hg support, but am concerned about the disruption this might
>> cause
>> e.g. does NetBeans support git?
> Dunno - IDEA has great git support btw :) It is a bit of a PITA to
> move things like the website though..
> --
> James
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