Serving Binary Content (Files) Through Jersey

From: James Allchin <>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2009 10:09:38 +0100

Hi All,

Thanks to everyone who keeps answering my questions on the forum. The
support is excellent.

My current question is how to serve binary content i.e. a file out through
my RESTful services.

I have managed to accept a file through my REST implementation with the
following method (it uses apache.commons upload) which is a nice combo in my
view (particularly streaming capabilities).

    public void setArtifactBinaryContent(@PathParam("userId") long userId
                                       , @PathParam("artifactId") long
HttpServletRequest request)
       throws Exception {
            // First write the file to disk
            FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
            ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
            List items = null;
            try {
                items = upload.parseRequest(request);
                Iterator iter = items.iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    FileItem item = (FileItem);
                    if (!item.isFormField()) {
                        File fileLocator = new File("/fileshare/filedata/" +
artifactId + ".dat");
                // Assuming success we now update the link and set to
                dA.updateArtifactLink(0, userId, artifactId,
"/fileshare/filedata/" + artifactId + ".dat");
                dA.updateArtifactEnabled(0, userId, artifactId, true);
            catch (Exception e) {


This works a treat... The problem I am having is now serving the file. I am
trying the following:

    public void getArtifactBinaryContent(@PathParam("userId") long userId
                                       , @PathParam("artifactId") long
HttpServletResponse response)
       throws Exception {
            try {
                // Get an internal representation of an artifact
                InternalArtifact ia = dA.getInternalArtifact(0, userId,

                // Get the file from disk
                File f = new File(ia.getLink());
                int fLength = (int)f.length();

                // Set the response header header
                response.setHeader( "Content-Disposition", "attachment;
filename=\"" + artifactId + "\"" );
                ServletOutputStream sos = response.getOutputStream();

                // Output the file stream
                byte[] bbuf = new byte[100];
                DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new
                int length = 0;
                while ((in != null) && ((length = != -1))
            catch (Exception e) {

When deploying it moans with the following error:

SEVERE: Servlet /ACMERest threw load() exception
com.sun.jersey.api.container.ContainerException: Method, public void,long,javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
throws java.lang.Exception, annotated with GET of resource, class, is not recognized as valid Java method annotated
with @HttpMethod.

Does anyone know what the issue is here. Is it incorrect to be using
@Context to access the HttpServletResponse object?

Is there another way to serve a file perhaps?

