Last night I talked to the Pittsburgh Java User Group about REST and
Jersey. A lot of it was 'What is REST?', but I went into Jersey a
decent amount and people seemed impressed by how much you could get
done with so little. I talked up Jersey and the community quite a bit!
Anyway, my slides are here:
and a sample presentation is here:
I tried to demonstrate the following things with the application:
- Basic Jersey resource use, including content negotiation
- How to include Jersey in a standard webapp (this is using Jetty and
a normal web.xml)
- JAXB used for both XML and JSON, including an adapter for JodaTime
DateTime objects
- Some @Provider demonstrations, including:
-- a FreemarkerTemplateProvider, and
-- JAXB marshaller/unmarshaller so that a @UriInfo could be injected
into an @XmlJavaTypeAdapter
- Integrating a standard Java webapp library like Sitemesh
Things I wasn't able to cover:
- Jersey client use
- Details of what's coming in JAX-RS 1.1
- Integrating a DI framework (Spring/Guice)
Hope it's useful!