Resource sub-locators not working as expected.

From: Jalpesh Patadia <>
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 14:58:27 -0700

Hello everyone,

Thanks to Paul for responding to my earlier issue. I have resolved that, and am facing another issue; which I think may be a bug in the implementation. Here's some dummy code which explains this:

Resource 1 : Car Resource

public class CarResource extends AbstractResource
    @Path("list") // lists all the cars -- general pattern for listing a resource
    @Produces({"application/xml","application/json","text/csv"}) // optional, but putting it will help documentation
    public List<Car> getFormattedCarList(@HeaderParam("Accept") String accept, @Context HttpServletRequest req)
        System.out.println("Accept : " + accept);
        System.out.println("Request: " + req);
        return super.getCarList();
    public CarModelResource getModelResource()
        return new CarModelResource();

Resource 2 : CarModelResource

// @Path("/1.0/cars/model")
public class CarModelResource extends AbstractResource
    @Documentation(description="Get a list of car models detail list")
    public List<CarModel> getCarModelListFormatted()
        System.out.println("+++++ Returning formatted list +++++");
        return super.getCarModelList();

Now, according to the spec, the CarModelResource is a sub-resource with a sub-resource locator getCarModelListFormatted. What I'm seeing is that when I type in http://myurl.../1.0/cars/model/list this code is returning me a 404 - Not found error. Maybe I'm not reading the spec correctly, but upon reading the JAX-RS Spec, section 3.4.1 - Sub Resources it implied that this should work. Could somebody shed some light why it's not working ?

Now, interestingly I got this working by uncommenting the @Path annotation in CarModelResource, so it's not a problem. But at that point, I don't think it's actually a sub-resource locator anymore but just a regular resource mapping. In the example described in the spec the WidgetResource class does not have a @Path annotation on it, so I assumed that it's not needed.

I just needed to understand what is the correct behavior.



PS : I'm using the com.sun.jersey.....SpringServlet in web.xml as my servlet handler. I have verified that all the beans are registered correctly in the applicationContext files.

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