On Tue, Apr 14, 2009 at 9:00 AM, Raphael F. <raf64flo_at_gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> I wonder what is the project the more advanced between Sun Jersey &
> Apache CXF concerning the implementation of JSR 311: JAX-RS ?
> Does one of them is more advanced than the other one ? If yes, which one ?
From what I have seen, Jersey is JAX-RS implementation, and CXF is
JAX-WS (Soap) implementation that can do some JAX-RS too.
One is focused on doing JAX-RS well; the other is being extended from
other end of SOA to cover restish services too.
Kind of like XML-based libs that also "do json" vs native JSON libraries.
From this it's easier to guess which one is further ahead in JAX-RS. I
will leave that decision up to readers. :-)
-+ Tatu +-