Re: [Jersey] Injection only at the top level resource?

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2009 15:40:15 +0100

On Jan 7, 2009, at 3:22 PM, Gerard M. Davison wrote:

> Paul,
> Thanks, that seem reasonable. At least in the case I am looking at I
> need to pass some parameters to the created resource object. I guess
> that the middle two are the most useful in my case. (@Resource
> doesn't appear to be attachable to a method parameter otherwise I
> would quite happily be using that)

Hmm... it should work in conjunction the InjectableProvider you
created and registered. The reason is that all the other injection
support is implemented the same way (e.g. @Context for injection of
ResourceContext in the example in my previous email). If not then it
is a bug i need to fix.

> Perhaps a suggested enhancement would be to extend ResourceContext
> with either:
> 1. Allow args constructors
> <T> T getResource(Class<T> c, Object... args)

Yes, i was pondering about that as well. Note that it is also possible
to have annotated parameters on constructors. See the section "Rules
of Injection" in the following document:

> 2. Allow post creation injection
> <T> T inject(T input)

To correctly inject Jersey needs to know the life-cycle (e.g. per
request or singleton) of what it is injecting stuff on to.

Of course things would be a little different if there was an IoC
framework standardized when we specified JAX-RS :-) which is what we
really need.

> But I could understand you not wanting to go down this route and
> wait until the JEE integration is finished.

I think what you suggest above is independent of the EE integration,
since management and injection will never be performed on instances
returned from sub-locator resources.


> Again thanks for your answer,
> Gerard
> Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> Hi Gerard,
>> Injection does not occur on instances returned by the application,
>> namely in sub-resource locators. Jersey does not manage instances
>> returned from sub-resource locators, it does not know what the life-
>> cycle is, so it cannot do postCreate/preDestroy or inject.
>> There are a number of things you can do:
>> - return the Class of the resource;
>> - use ResourceContext
>> @Path("subresource")
>> public ProxiedSubResource getSubResource(@Context ResourceContext
>> rc) {
>> return rc.getResource(ProxiedSubResource.class);
>> }
>> - use an IoC framework integrated with Jersey like Spring to
>> obtain an instance.
>> - inject on method parameters.
>> All of the above, except the last one, are currently non-standard
>> w.r.t. JAX-RS.
>> JAX-RS and Jersey are not yet EE compliant. We are working on that
>> for JAX-RS 1.1 which will align with Java EE 6 and then we will
>> implement support for injection of EE stuff on resource classes in
>> Jersey/GF. I view the InjectableProvider as an intermediate
>> solution until we have full EE 6 support in Jersey/GF.
>> Paul.
>> On Jan 7, 2009, at 11:44 AM, Gerard M. Davison wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am fairly new to Jersey so apologies in advance if this is a
>>> stupid question. I am trying to write a simple InjectableProvider
>>> so that I get can @Resource injections working. My
>>> ServletContainer that registers this looks something like the
>>> following. (Note I expect there to be some glaring mistakes in the
>>> implementation here; but it seems to work for my little example
>>> application).
>>> public class ServletAdapter extends ServletContainer {
>>> @Override
>>> protected void configure(ServletConfig servletConfig,
>>> ResourceConfig rc,
>>> WebApplication wa) {
>>> super.configure(servletConfig, rc, wa);
>>> rc.getSingletons().add(new InjectableProvider<Resource,
>>> Type>() {
>>> public ComponentScope getScope() {
>>> return ComponentScope.Singleton;
>>> }
>>> public Injectable<Object>
>>> getInjectable(ComponentContext ic,
>>> Resource r,
>>> Type c) {
>>> final Holder value = new Holder();
>>> try {
>>> Context ctx = new InitialContext();
>>> // Look up a data source
>>> try
>>> {
>>> value.value = ctx.lookup(;
>>> }
>>> catch (NamingException ex) {
>>> value.value = ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/"
>>> +;
>>> }
>>> } catch (Exception ex) {
>>> ex.printStackTrace(); }
>>> return new Injectable<Object>() {
>>> public Object getValue() {
>>> return value.value;
>>> }
>>> };
>>> }
>>> });
>>> }
>>> }
>>> This works find when injecting resource at the root of a resource
>>> path but not for any sub resources. So the field in Parent is
>>> populated but the field in Child is not.
>>> @Path("/")
>>> public class Parent
>>> {
>>> @Resource(name="....")
>>> DataSource ds;
>>> @Path("/child/")
>>> public Child getChild()
>>> { ... }
>>> }
>>> public class Child
>>> {
>>> @Resource(name="....")
>>> DataSource ds;
>>> ... }
>>> My question is is this a bug or a feature? Certainly to my naive
>>> eye I would have expected the resource injection to happen for
>>> each level, certainly I can pass in the resource via constructors
>>> but this is going to unnecessarily complicate my code design.
>>> Particularly if the resource in question is only going to be used
>>> by one leaf in the tree.
>>> Finally is there a reason that the basic JSR-250 annotations such
>>> as @Resource at not supported by default?
>>> Thanks for any pointers,
>>> Gerard
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