Thanks, that seem reasonable. At least in the case I am looking at I
need to pass some parameters to the created resource object. I guess
that the middle two are the most useful in my case. (@Resource doesn't
appear to be attachable to a method parameter otherwise I would quite
happily be using that)
Perhaps a suggested enhancement would be to extend ResourceContext with
1. Allow args constructors
<T> T getResource(Class<T> c, Object... args)
2. Allow post creation injection
<T> T inject(T input)
But I could understand you not wanting to go down this route and wait
until the JEE integration is finished.
Again thanks for your answer,
Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Hi Gerard,
> Injection does not occur on instances returned by the application,
> namely in sub-resource locators. Jersey does not manage instances
> returned from sub-resource locators, it does not know what the
> life-cycle is, so it cannot do postCreate/preDestroy or inject.
> There are a number of things you can do:
> - return the Class of the resource;
> - use ResourceContext
> @Path("subresource")
> public ProxiedSubResource getSubResource(@Context ResourceContext
> rc) {
> return rc.getResource(ProxiedSubResource.class);
> }
> - use an IoC framework integrated with Jersey like Spring to obtain
> an instance.
> - inject on method parameters.
> All of the above, except the last one, are currently non-standard
> w.r.t. JAX-RS.
> JAX-RS and Jersey are not yet EE compliant. We are working on that for
> JAX-RS 1.1 which will align with Java EE 6 and then we will implement
> support for injection of EE stuff on resource classes in Jersey/GF. I
> view the InjectableProvider as an intermediate solution until we have
> full EE 6 support in Jersey/GF.
> Paul.
> On Jan 7, 2009, at 11:44 AM, Gerard M. Davison wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am fairly new to Jersey so apologies in advance if this is a stupid
>> question. I am trying to write a simple InjectableProvider so that I
>> get can @Resource injections working. My ServletContainer that
>> registers this looks something like the following. (Note I expect
>> there to be some glaring mistakes in the implementation here; but it
>> seems to work for my little example application).
>> public class ServletAdapter extends ServletContainer {
>> @Override
>> protected void configure(ServletConfig servletConfig,
>> ResourceConfig rc,
>> WebApplication wa) {
>> super.configure(servletConfig, rc, wa);
>> rc.getSingletons().add(new InjectableProvider<Resource, Type>() {
>> public ComponentScope getScope() {
>> return ComponentScope.Singleton;
>> }
>> public Injectable<Object>
>> getInjectable(ComponentContext ic,
>> Resource r,
>> Type c) {
>> final Holder value = new Holder();
>> try {
>> Context ctx = new InitialContext();
>> // Look up a data source
>> try
>> {
>> value.value = ctx.lookup(;
>> }
>> catch (NamingException ex) {
>> value.value = ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/" +
>> }
>> } catch (Exception ex) {
>> ex.printStackTrace(); }
>> return new Injectable<Object>() {
>> public Object getValue() {
>> return value.value;
>> }
>> };
>> }
>> });
>> }
>> }
>> This works find when injecting resource at the root of a resource
>> path but not for any sub resources. So the field in Parent is
>> populated but the field in Child is not.
>> @Path("/")
>> public class Parent
>> {
>> @Resource(name="....")
>> DataSource ds;
>> @Path("/child/")
>> public Child getChild()
>> { ... }
>> }
>> public class Child
>> {
>> @Resource(name="....")
>> DataSource ds;
>> ... }
>> My question is is this a bug or a feature? Certainly to my naive eye
>> I would have expected the resource injection to happen for each
>> level, certainly I can pass in the resource via constructors but this
>> is going to unnecessarily complicate my code design. Particularly if
>> the resource in question is only going to be used by one leaf in the
>> tree.
>> Finally is there a reason that the basic JSR-250 annotations such as
>> @Resource at not supported by default?
>> Thanks for any pointers,
>> Gerard
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