JAX-RS / Jersey as the main Java web framework going forward...

From: James Strachan <>
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 15:45:52 +0000

I've been pondering this for a little while; is JAX-RS the kinda long
term replacement for all the zillions of web frameworks out there?

I tend to think, yes it mostly is for most requirements - and we're
nearly there, just a few things to fix up and improve. I've just
blogged (a rather long post for me) about it, brain dumping my

it could well feed the trolls but it'd be interesting to hear if
others have been having similar thoughts (or maybe I'm just smoking
crack :). From seeing folks hit similar issues to me in the implicit
views / static files /JSP mappings areas - it looks like at least a
few folks are trying to do similar things.


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