Re: [Jersey] Communicating with Jersey from servlet filter

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2008 16:07:21 +0100

On Dec 2, 2008, at 3:58 PM, Rod Fitzsimmons Frey wrote:

> Thanks, Paul. I really need a custom realm, though, since I’m using
> salted hashed passwords in a mySql database, which the JDBCRealm
> doesn’t seem to support.

OK. I suggest you send an email to

> In any event, a servlet authentication filter would be fine if I
> could understand the relationship between the web container and
> Jersey.

If you are using app/web server authentication then you can inject:

   @Context SecurtyContext sc;

which is similar to methods exposed on HttpServletRequest to get
access to the principle.

If you are rolling your own auth i recommended creating your own
injectable provider with your own type encapsulating the principle.

> It seems to have something to do with the @Context annotation,
> but I can’t find any documentation on that or examples, only
> references to how you can use it to obtain container resources.

If you want to get access to the HttpServletRequest do:

   @Context HttpServletRequest hsr

as a field, constructor parameter, or method parameter. ServletContext/
ServletContext/HttpServletResponse are also supported.

> I found something (might have been from you!) showing how to get a
> ResourceContext object… but I don’t know what to do with that once I
> get it.

That is something different, that gets you instances of other resource
classes that are deployed.

> My google-fu is failing me completely.

Have you read the following:



> From: Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 7:48 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Jersey] Communicating with Jersey from servlet filter
> Hi Rod,
> On Dec 2, 2008, at 3:33 PM, Rod Fitzsimmons Frey wrote:
> I’m having a lot of trouble creating a custom realm in Glassfish,
> which I’m trying to work through on the Glassfish list.
> The following may help you:
> But i agree this could be made a lot easier.
> To keep moving forward, I’ve implemented a servlet filter to do
> authentication.
> However, I’m unclear on the best way to communicate with my Resource
> classes from the servlet container. Back in the day, I’d stuff an
> object (in this case the authenticated user) into the
> HttpServletRequest using setAttribute, or if it was long lived into
> the session. Obviously restful objects don’t have a session concept
> since they’re stateless, but I’d still like to communicate with the
> resources from the filter.
> Am I misunderstanding a basic architectural aspect of jersey?
> No. You can still use attributes on the HttpServletRequest if you
> wish as this can be injected into resource classes with @Context.
> A pattern that is useful is to create your own injectable object
> that wraps around the properties set on HttpServletRequest. For
> example you could do:
> @Provider
> public MyXYZProvider extends
> PerRequestTypeInjectableProvider<Context, XYZ> {
> @Context HttpServletRequest hsr
> public abstract Injectable<T> getInjectable(ComponentContext ic,
> Context a) {
> return new Injectable<XYZ>() {
> public XYZ getValue() {
> // get attributes from hsr
> return new XYZ(...);
> }
> };
> }
> }
> And in your resource class:
> @Context XYZ xyz;
> Note that if you don't want to bind to servlet you could use a
> Jersey filter and set properties on @HttpContext. The nice thing
> about using an injectable provider is that such details are hidden
> from the resource classes.
> Paul.