Re: [Jersey] Important bug found

From: Jeffrey <>
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2008 14:49:30 -0200

Hi Paul,

Imagine having the following object-structure:

Folder has, among other fields, a list of Pages and a list of Keywords.
A Page has, among other fields, a list of Keywords.
A Keyword has an id and a name.

In this example we have and object model corresponding to the following xml:

The expected json output, using a provider that generates the jettison
format, is:
    { "id":"id:folder",
            { "id":"id:page",

However, the generated json was:
    { "id":"id:folder",
        "keyword":[ {"id":"id:keywordfolder","name":"name:keywordfolder"},

As you can see the keyword belonging to the page object was put together
(in an array) with the keyword of the folder.
Besides this, the name of the page does not longer belong to the page
but is part of the folder.

I´ve attached a jersey application with a service that generates the
following output. It is using the newest version released: 1.0.1.
To use the service build the project, run and call the
url: http://localhost:8002/services/bug

We´re creating a business critical application based on jersey and are
facing this bug since the migration from version 0.8 to 1.0.
Do you have any idea how long it will take to fix it?

Hoping to hear from you,

Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Hi Jeffrey,
> You can report it here on this list.
> Or you can log an issue here:
> to do the latter you will require a account.
> Note that we have just released version 1.0.1, perhaps it is fixed in
> that release?
> Paul.
> On Dec 2, 2008, at 2:58 PM, Jeffrey wrote:
>> I´d like to registrer an important bug that I found yesterday, but i
>> can´t find any relevant e-mail address to send the explication +
>> application to demonstrate.
>> Can you please explain where to send this recently introduzed bug
>> (version 1.0).
>> I´m looking forward to you answer,
>> Jeffrey van Helden
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