RE: [Jersey] Support for Content-Encoding, Acccept-Encoding "gzip" filters

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2008 19:31:56 +0200

> But I also think that client should have the option of disabling
> automatic uncompression, since there are cases where compressed form is
> more useful for the client.

I do not agree. If the client application is interested in getting a
compressed content instead of a plain one, then it should point out this
interest by using an "Accept-Encoding: compress, gzip" header -- AFAIK that
is the sense behind "Accept-Encoding". But "Transfer-Encoding" (and this is
what I talked about solely, in contrast to Paul's previous posting) should
be serviced automatically between the client library (jersey) and the server
container (Grizzly). I do not see a sense in mixing in client application
demands into the transfer demands, besides the wish to (a) be able to
visualize the transfer progress (chunked) and to stop the transfer progress
after a chunk was received.
