JPA Problems

From: Markus KARG <>
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 20:00:05 +0200


sorry for responding not earlier.

>> I am using JPA inside of a JAX-RS resource. When running it standalone it
>> works pretty well, but now I want to deploy it into GlassFish. I can deploy
>> it and all is working well but not the JPA. It can create an EntityManager,
>> but it doesn't find my @NamedQueries anymore! Anybody an idea what I have to
>> change?

>I run a JPA-backed Jersey service on glassfish just fine, no named
>queries though.
>Idea: what persistence provider do you specify in the persistence.xml?

Here is my persistence.xml file, located in JaxRsSample.war\WEB-INF\classes\META-INF\:

- <#> <persistence xmlns="**"
- <#> <persistence-unit name="*X*" transaction-type="*JTA*">

- <#> <properties>
        <property name="**"

As described earlier, when trying to create the named query, it says, there is none with that name. But it IS defied:

@Table(schema = "qadmin", name = "t_tl")
@NamedQuery(name = "Article.findById", query = "SELECT DISTINCT o FROM Article o WHERE o.id1 = SUBSTRING(?1, 1, LOCATE(' / ', ?1) - 1) AND o.id2 = SUBSTRING(?1, LOCATE(' / ', ?1) + 3, LENGTH(?1))")
public class Article {

public final class SampleService {
    protected static final EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("X");
    public Response processSampleGetArticleRequest(
    @PathParam("id") final String id, @Context Request request) {
        final EntityManager em = SampleService.emf.createEntityManager();
        try {
            try {
                final Article article = (Article) em.createNamedQuery("Article.findById").setParameter(1, id).getSingleResult();

Also, when not using GlassFish but standalone HttpServer from Java SE, then IT WORKS!

Pretty strange!

