Jo Størset wrote:
>> The current generic way i can think of is expressed here:
> You're right! I had a hard time realising the solution and how it would
> fit my other requirements the last time. But, rereading it, I think I
> might just get an ok solution out of it, even if it sort of makes the
> solution app-specific.
We sort of intended that MessageBodyReader/Writer stuff might need to be
implemented by application developers in some cases, and i think that is
OK because we cannot restrict or solve every specific solution.
But i think we need some helper classes around JAXB so that what is
written by the application developer is reusable as possible (for
example honoring the charset parameter of media type etc).
> What I really would have liked was some best-practice architectural
> examples to look at, but I guess they simply don't exist, just yet :)
Nope! I think you and others are helping shape what such practices might
be :-)
| ? + ? = To question
Paul Sandoz