Re: [Jersey] Re: spring-integration tested and described

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 09:34:50 +0200

On Apr 25, 2008, at 6:50 PM, Martin Grotzke wrote:

>> OK. So you think we should push jersey SNAPSHOT artifacts to the
>> maven repo for every set of commits detected? (like we do
>> for
>> the distribution to
> Yes. Another advantage of this is that really brave users could depend
> on these SNAPSHOTs.

Yes, a number of developers have been asking for this.

>> Note the 311 and jersey poms currently reference the maven 1
>> repo, so we should change that to use the maven 2 repo. Actually
>> do we
>> need to do "mvn deploy" to push stuff to the maven 2 repo?
> This should be to thing to do, but to be honest I haven't published
> some
> maven artifact to a repo until now ;)

I need to investigate a bit more, but it "should" be easy with the
right plugins installed (if i copy from Grizzly :-) ).
