Re: spring-integration tested and described

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 16:05:18 +0200

Minor observation on the injectable code.

The WebApplication.addInjectable(Class<T>, AnnotationInjectable) does
not require the first parameter since
that value can be obtained from

Potentially we could modify TypeInjectable to have a getType() method
but i don't think this is particularly important.


On Apr 21, 2008, at 9:55 PM, Martin Grotzke wrote:

> On Mon, 2008-04-21 at 14:45 +0200, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> Martin Grotzke wrote:
>>> I will update the ant build.xml in the jersey-spring module so that
>>> there's an `ant dist` and `ant -Dprofile=spring20 test`...
>> I think just using Maven is OK. The most important thing is to
>> make sure
>> we can add this as a Hudson task so it will get built/tested/packaged
>> every time we make changes to jersey or to jersey spring.
> Well, of course this is ok for me, I'm not begging for work :-D
> I removed and build.xml so that nobody tries to use
> them :)
> I just ran the hudson webstart test drive, configured the spring
> package
> of the spring-integration branch, ran a test - and everything was
> fine!
> As the spring-package has a dependency on jersey, I would say that
> jersey must have been installed in the repo that is used by hudson, I
> think this will be the only requirement.
>>> What has to be clarified is the project structure, currently the
>>> trunk
>>> contains these directories:
>>> commons
>>> \- spring
>>> jersey
>>> \- <everything related directly to jersey like src, build, dist
>>> etc.>
>>> repo
>>> www
>>> To the question is if we replace commons/spring with the new spring
>>> package or if we create a jersey-spring package at the root level.
>>> IMHO a container for contrib modules is useful, so we could use the
>>> commons folder or rename it to contrib or else.
>> Renaming "common" to "contribs" is fine my be and we can delete
>> "commons/spring".
> Done
>> We can mandate that everything in "contribs" should use maven.
> Ok.
>>> Before doing the merge we should also make sure that classes are
>>> at the
>>> correct place (like e.g. ResourceContext, the package of the
>>> SpringServlet, the groupId and artifactId of the jersey-spring
>>> module
>>> etc.). Can you check these things, Paul?
>> OK. It would be good if other "mavenintes" could have a quick look at
>> the maven stuff.
> Yes, feedback welcome!
>> The location of ResourceContext is fine.
>> If we are going to keep a similar naming scheme then i recommend
>> using
>> the following for the Servlet:
>> com/sun/ws/rest/spi/spring/container/servlet/
>> and the following for the annotations:
>> com/sun/ws/rest/api/spring/
> Ok, I renamed/moved SpringServlet and annotations.
> What about the maven groupId "" and the artifactId
> "jersey-spring"?
> Cheers,
> Martin
>> Paul.