Re: GET parameters as List or Map?

From: Gabor Szokoli <>
Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 23:27:16 +0100

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 5:55 PM, Paul Sandoz <> wrote:
> On Feb 29, 2008, at 5:40 PM, Marc Hadley wrote:
> You can use UriInfo.getQueryParameters instead of lots of @QueryParam
> annotated parameters.

Yay! Thanks!

Jersey does everything I want, but somehow I'm unable to find it out
myself from the documentation...

> I would really like to work out how to integrate Jersey with Wicket.

We use wicket extensively, but I'm just getting my feet wet with jersey.
Might take a while before I can contribute.
The two world views seem totally opposing at first though:
REST is about stateless resources, wicket is about automated widget
state in the HTTPSession.
It is possible to use session state in REST and stateless pages in
wicket, so it's not totally hopeless :-)

Gabor Szokoli