Guice integration in 0.6

From: Richard Wallace <>
Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 09:51:30 -0800


I just updated to Jersey 0.6 and have a few thanks/gripes/questions.

First of all, good job on getting rid of the requirement to put services
in the META-INF/services/whatever.service.interface.your.implementing.
Much better.

Now for the gripe. I love that the ComponentProvider is responsible for
instantiating everything, including MessageBodyReaders/Writers. The
problem I have now is that my preferred method of injection is via
constructors, but this causes Jersey to try and figure out what to
inject and call the getInstance() method that takes a constructor and
it's (resolved by Jersey) parameters. So what I've wound up having to
do is toss the constructor and parameters in my GuiceComponentProvider
and just return injector.getInstance(ctor.getDefiningClass()). Of
course that means that Jersey params can't be injected into the
constructor which leads to my question...

I'd like to be able to have Guice inject JSR311 parameters, like
@Context and @HttpHeaders and such. I'm pretty sure I can do it, it's
actually quite easy with Guice I just need to implement the providers.
The providers will just return the ThreadLocals that Jersey uses. The
problem I have is that I have no access to those ThreadLocals. They're
all declared as private in the WebApplicationImpl and their is no API to
access them from ComponentProviders. From what I can tell, all I really
need is access to the ThreadLocalHttpContext and from there I should be
able to get everything I need for injection. Is that correct? How can
I get access to this ThreadLocal?


P.S. One more gripe for the road. I've had to add
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") annotations to my GuiceComponentProvider
for the getInstance() methods because they're not generified. Could we
get this fixed? I mean, all that needs to be done is to do something
like declare them as

<T> T getInstance(Scope scope, Class<T> type)


<T> T getInstance(Scope scope, Constructor<T> ctor, Object[] args)

I've noticed in going through the code that there are many other places
where raw types are used in Jersey instead of generified types. Any
reason for this?