Fwd: [Jersey] Using filter to always set charset=UTF-8 on response

From: Sekhar Vajjhala <>
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2011 10:11:39 -0500


In an email thread on jersey's users list on default charset ( see
forwarded mail below ) I had a suggestion for implementing a package level
annotation. I wanted to see if I could add that annotation to jersey code
base. Since I am not not familiar with the code base, I was looking for
some pointers (files , docs anything) on where I can start.

I searched the Jersey code base and found

Can any one provide with some info to get started ?

Sekhar Vajjhala

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 11:46 AM, Sekhar Vajjhala <>wrote:

> Here are a couple of other possible alternatives to writing a response
> Filter.
> 1. Use a package level annotation for associating a charset with a media
> type;
> the charset can be generated for the media type specified in @Produces
> annotation.
> For e.g. the annotations could look something like:
> ------
> File:
> /*
> * Define an annotation for media type whose format is:
> * media-type = type "/" subtype *( ";" parameter )
> */
> @Target(ElementType.PACKAGE)
> public @interface CharSet {
> String mediatype();
> String mediasubtype();
> String charset();
> }
> ------
> File:
> @Target(ElementType.PACKAGE)
> @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
> public @interface MediaTypes {
> CharSet[] charset();
> }
> -------
> File:
> @CharSets(
> {CharSet {mediatype="application", mediasubtype="xml",
> charset="UTF-8")
> }
> package com.examples;
> 2. If a charset can be associated with a media type, JAX-RS implementation
> can explicitly generate the default charset in the Content-Type as Paul
> pointed out in his email thread you pointed to. This approach would
> follow recommendation for e.g. laid out in RFC 3023 XML Media Types
> which
> states the following:
> Although listed as an optional parameter, the use of the charset
> parameter is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED, since this information can be
> used by XML processors to determine authoritatively the charset of
> the XML MIME entity.
> But (from my reading of HTTP 1.1 spec), it appears that some HTTP 1.0
> clients did not deal properly if charset was explicitly present. So,
> if charset is generated by default, then there needs to be a way
> to turn it off for dealing with such clients.
> Of the above two a package level annotation is preferrable.
> Sekhar Vajjhala
> On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 3:26 PM, <> wrote:
>> I need to set charset=UTF-8 on all responses from my jersey endpoints.
>> I've googled a lot, and in search of a configurable solution, it seems
>> that using a response filter is the way to go.
>> In
>> 3.html, Paul Sandoz showed the conceptual idea of how this should work:
>> > Perhaps the best way you can add the charset is to write a response
>> filter to modify the
>> > content-type for certain values rather than modifying all your
>> annotations.
>> >
>> > ContainerResponse response;
>> >
>> > MediaType m = response.getMediaType();
>> > if (/ charset not present on m and m requires a charset) {
>> > // create a new media type adding a charset of UTF-8.
>> > m = ...
>> > response.getHttpHeaders().putSingle("Content-Type", m);
>> > }
>> I ended up doing pretty much this:
>> public class UTF8ResponseFilter implements ContainerResponseFilter
>> {
>> private static Map<String, String> charset =
>> Collections.singletonMap("charset", "UTF-8");
>> @Override
>> public ContainerResponse filter(ContainerRequest request,
>> ContainerResponse response) {
>> MediaType oldType = response.getMediaType();
>> MediaType newType = new MediaType(oldType.getType(),
>> oldType.getSubtype(), charset);
>> response.getHttpHeaders().putSingle("Content-Type",
>> newType);
>> return response;
>> }
>> }
>> My single question, then, is this:
>> -> Is this best practice for setting charset on all responses?
>> Eirik