Re: [Jersey] Difficulties getting the new CDI impl to work with the sample

From: Paul Sandoz <>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2010 12:06:44 +0200

On Aug 14, 2010, at 12:04 AM, Roberto Chinnici wrote:

> Roberto Chinnici wrote:
>> Another data point. When I deploy Jersey 1.4-SNAPSHOT (jersey-
>> server.jar and everything else) inside a webapp on GF 3.0.1, I see
>> that a proxy gets created, but the bean handed out by the
>> BeanManager is not proxied.
> Paul, I forgot to state the obvious: this matches what you see in
> your there is no issue when the extension is
> inside the web app itself. Alas, that's not the case when the
> extension is bundled in GlassFish as part of jersey-server.jar.

OK. The old CDI extension implementation that just adapts the
injection target works works fine even though state is stored on it
and accessed later by the Jersey servlet. So it appears that for the
new CDI extension a proxy is being returned but i cannot see anything
obviously different, beyond the fact that the new CDI extension
listens to more events and adapts more stuff.
