On 06/29/2010 11:22 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Hi Kiren,
> Apologies for the late reply.
> As of Jersey 1.2 there is OSGi support. But we have only tested using
> the Felix container with Jetty and Grizzly and using the OSGi
> deployment feature of GlassFish.
> I am not sure what OSGi container the Spring Dm Server uses.
> We can support an OSGi bundle that is a JAX-RS application but IIRC
> there are currently limitations in terms of package scanning and you
> need to register your root resource and provider classes explicitly.
The package scanning limitation was fixed in the 1.3 version.
> Jakub can send more details.
> In the mean time you might want to look at the tests in the source
> code here:
> https://jersey.dev.java.net/source/browse/jersey/trunk/jersey/osgi/
You can also look at the following examples. Both Jersey based
application expose web resources
via OSGi. The first one utilizes the OSGi HTTP Service feature. The
other one includes an OSGified WAR application:
> Paul.
> On Jun 10, 2010, at 11:02 PM, Kiren Pillay wrote:
>> Hi
>> We are attempting an OSGI project using Spring Dm Server. We want to
>> have a RESTFul interface where the requests are serviced by resources
>> that are other OSGI bundles. Can someone point me in the right
>> direction to get this going?
>> Regards
>> Kiren
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