Re: [Jersey] Proxy-based interface as in RESTEasy ?

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 05:32:50 -0700

On Jun 27, 2010, at 4:27 AM, wrote:

> Are there any plans to provide a proxy-based (and easy to use)
> interface as
> in RESTEasy? Please see at
> amework.html

There are plans to do something slightly different.

IMHO while the proxy-based interface approach has a nice element of
reuse it encourages a tight rpc-like coupling between the client and

The approach that we are proposing working with Jan CC'ed, is a POJO
matching approach similar in style to the server-side. This enables of
reuse while also enabling the developer, if they so wish, to better
work with hypermedia.

For more details please see Jan's blogs:

and also see experimental support in Jersey at the maven location here:

with samples here:

We are looking for feedback on this approach and we plan to move this
from the experimental to the stable area by the September time frame.

BTW Jersey has a plug-able mechanism so that any developer can plug in
a "proxy" based approach. We call these "views" for want of a better
word :-) i can provide more details if you want to learn more.


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