Re: [Jersey] Spring 3.0.x support?

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 04 May 2010 13:03:16 +0200

On May 4, 2010, at 12:49 PM, Adam Retter wrote:

> On 4 May 2010 09:33, Paul Sandoz <> wrote:
>> Hi Adam,
>> Can you send me the output of the server log on deployment?
>> Does UriInfo get injected?
> Yes it does, its just the global ParthParams that are null.
>> What is the scope of CareAgencyResource? have you declared it to be
>> a spring
>> bean in the XML configuration? By default spring managed beans are
>> singletons.
>> If the scope is a singleton then @PathParam annotations will not get
>> injected. You need to modify the scope to be per request.
> It was the default scope, I did not realise that I needed to change
> it. Now that you mention it, of course it makes sense :-) After
> changing the bean to scope="request" all works as expected.
> Although I also needed to add this to web.xml as the request scope is
> outside of Springs Dispatcher servlet -
> <listener> <!-- needed for Request scoped Spring beans that are
> outside the spring web context - e.g. Jersey -->
> <listener-class>org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextListener
> </listener-class>
> </listener>
> It would be really good to get those two pieces of information added
> to Jerseys spring integration documentation, all I could find was this
> -
> guide.html#d4e1280


>> Ideally Jersey should throw a deployment-based exception when such
>> injection
>> cannot be performed. Can you log an issue?
> Sure, I have added an Enhancement request, as issue 524.
