Re: [Jersey] jersey-spring Maven POM file mistake?

From: Adam Retter <>
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2010 11:41:03 +0000

Perhaps there is something about Maven that I have not yet discovered,
but it would seem to me that your version string should not have the
erraneous characters '[' and ')' in it?

Details of the version syntax are here -

And for example the 2.5.5 release of Spring uses the version number
"2.5.5", I dont understand why you have the '[' and ')' in there or
the ",3" parts?

2010/1/4 Paul Sandoz <>:
> Hi,
> I have modified the Spring version to be:
>  [2.5.2,3)
> Can you please verify when a new SNAPSHOT is pushed to the repo?
> Paul.
> On Dec 29, 2009, at 10:59 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>> On Dec 23, 2009, at 4:14 PM, Adam Retter wrote:
>>> Hi there I think you might have some problems in your Maven POM file
>>> for jeresey-spring integration -
>>> In the section where it describes its dependencies on Spring, this
>>> appears -
>>> <properties>
>>>       <spring20-release-version>2.0.5</spring20-release-version>
>>>       <spring25-release-version>[2.5.2,)</spring25-release-version>
>>> </properties>
>>> I should think that "[2.5.2,)" is an error and it should be just
>>> "2.5.2" or even "2.5.6" these days?
>> Yes, i will change it.
>>> Any chance this could be fixed as its playing havoc with my new
>>> projects that use Jersey, Spring and Maven?
>> Sure. Someone else already opened an issue:
>> Paul.

Adam Retter
skype :adam.retter