2009/12/30 Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_sun.com>:
> On Dec 30, 2009, at 4:56 PM, Adam Retter wrote:
>> 2009/12/30 Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_sun.com>:
>>> On Dec 30, 2009, at 11:58 AM, Adam Retter wrote:
>>>>> Note that from the client perspective they should not really care too
>>>>> much
>>>>> about the URIs and how to construct them as it is usually the server
>>>>> that
>>>>> informs the client on how to do that with links embedded in
>>>>> representations.
>>>> I am wondering in this case how the server would inform the client
>>>> about the available URI's?
>>>> Do you mean that http://www.company.com/rest/lodgement could return a
>>>> list of URI's in some form?
>>> That is one way.
>>>> If this is the case, then we really dont
>>>> want this functionality. Our clients must already know their keys's
>>>> for their lodgements.
>>> Or one could use a URI template:
>>> <keys template="http://www.company.com/rest/lodgement/{key}">
>>> <document template="http://www.company.com/rest/lodgement/{key}/pdf">
>> What are these URI templates? Can you give me some pointers to where I
>> can find out more about them please?
> See here:
> http://bitworking.org/projects/URI-Templates/
> JAX-RS supports a sub-set of the URI template syntax for values of @Path for
> matching, plus a deviation for declaring regular expressions:
> https://jsr311.dev.java.net/nonav/releases/1.1/javax/ws/rs/Path.html
> and a sub-set for URI building:
> https://jsr311.dev.java.net/nonav/releases/1.1/javax/ws/rs/core/UriBuilder.html
> that only supports basic variable declarations of the form say "{foo}"
> defined here:
> http://bitworking.org/projects/URI-Templates/spec/draft-gregorio-uritemplate-03.html#var
> It should be possible to update UriBuilder to support for the full URI
> template syntax (as usual takes time to code!)
> If you are using Jersey on the client side it is really easy to process URI
> template conforming to the sub-set using UriBuilder.
Sounds very intreresting, I will look into this as soon as possible...
>>> Note that you could also use content negotiation on the first type of URI
>>> to
>>> return the XML with embedded PDF or the PDF document. And if required you
>>> could set of URI conneg so that:
>>> http://www.company.com/rest/lodgement/XYZ.pdf
>>> does the equivalent of a client using
>>> http://www.company.com/rest/lodgement/XYZ
>>> with an appropriate Accept header.
>>> IMHO that is a better, looser coupled, solution leaving the possibility
>>> to
>>> easily add further document formats if required in the future.
>> Ah yes, Content Negotiation is a good idea :-) I guess thats with the
>> @Consumes annotation?
> Yes. And for URI conneg using the Jersey feature. See ResourceConfig:
> https://jersey.dev.java.net/nonav/apidocs/latest/jersey/com/sun/jersey/api/core/ResourceConfig.html
>> But actually I simplified a little bit in my examples.
>> http://www.company.com/rest/lodgement/XYZ/pdf
>> Doesnt actually return the PDF of the lodgement, it returns a custom
>> XML document which embeds one or two PDF's, sometimes a lodgement has
>> a related lodgement, the requirement I had was to return the pdf (or
>> both if there is a related lodgement) from a single key.
>> So I have modified my URI scheme to this -
>> http://www.company.com/rest/lodgement/XYZ/pdfs (note the 's' on the end)
>> This will return the associated pdf(s) embedded in a custom XML
>> document. So /pdfs is a kinda operator really describing a processing
>> action, not sure if my URI scheme reflects that or not? Or perhaps I
>> should really be using the query string for that?
> It is definitely a different resource. I think using a path segment makes it
> more amenable with JAX-RS to using condition GETs and also caching.
>> I could still use content negotation in future with
>> http://www.company.com/rest/lodgement/XYZ to return just the XML or
>> PDF aspect :-)
> I am not sure of your exact requirements, however, using mutlipart MIME
> instead of embedding PDF in XML documents can be more efficient in terms of
> transmission and processing on the client and server.
Ah yes, thats quite a nice idea and one which didnt occur to me. I
have now implemented this using Jerseys contributed multipart library.
> Paul.
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Adam Retter
skype :adam.retter