Re: [Jersey] Request: Merge jersey-oauth into trunk

From: Paul Sandoz <Paul.Sandoz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 25 May 2009 07:35:12 +0200

Hi Paul,

Please feel free to commit to the trunk. I am traveling today and do
not want to hold you up, i will try and look at the code this week
(but J1 takes priority).

Jakub, if you have time could you be so kind to review the pom files?

On May 25, 2009, at 6:24 AM, Paul C. Bryan wrote:

> Hi Devs:
> The Jersey-OAuth libraries are now code-complete. Included are unit
> tests for the oauth-signature library, and integration tests for
> oauth-client and oauth-server classes. I think it's now in an
> appropriate state that I'd like to propose to merge from the
> oauth-extensions branch into trunk. Please review and let me know if
> this can go ahead.
> Paul
> P.S. Since I'm still a relative Maven newbie, one area in particular
> I'd
> like to ask for particular scrutiny is the case of the "oauth-tests"
> integration test module. I wanted this to live in the jersey-oauth
> pom,
> but it created a cyclic dependency. I also wanted the oauth-tests
> packaging be pom (to prevent generation of a jar file) but I'm not
> clear
> on how to set the goals to still compile and execute the tests without
> jar packaging. It works now; it just adds cruft of creating an empty
> jar
> file.

That is OK, there are Jersey integration tests in a separate jar
module as well.
