Hi Devs:
The Jersey-OAuth libraries are now code-complete. Included are unit
tests for the oauth-signature library, and integration tests for
oauth-client and oauth-server classes. I think it's now in an
appropriate state that I'd like to propose to merge from the
oauth-extensions branch into trunk. Please review and let me know if
this can go ahead.
P.S. Since I'm still a relative Maven newbie, one area in particular I'd
like to ask for particular scrutiny is the case of the "oauth-tests"
integration test module. I wanted this to live in the jersey-oauth pom,
but it created a cyclic dependency. I also wanted the oauth-tests
packaging be pom (to prevent generation of a jar file) but I'm not clear
on how to set the goals to still compile and execute the tests without
jar packaging. It works now; it just adds cruft of creating an empty jar